Digital Game Studies : An Invitation to Play in a Different Sort of Way

Author : Anonymous
Date : Oct 26, 2009
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Une conférence présentée par Bart Simon, professeur associé au Département de sociologie et d'anthopologie (Université Concordia), dans le cadre des activités du "Research Initiative in Technoculture, Art and Games" (TAG).


As the first public event of the TAG research initiative for the term, this talk is meant to provide a general and nondefinitive introduction to the relatively new field of digital game studies. The purpose of this introduction is to sketch some of the intellectual history and accomplishments of the field and to lay out a number of ongoing tensions, problems and current debates that could benefit from a more expanded and interdisciplinary conversation in the context of the TAG initiative at Concordia. The talk is open to scholars, artists, designers and gamers at all levels who might be curious about the directions, boundary issues and possibilities of the field of game studies.

Bart Simon is the current director of the new Concordia research initiative in Technoculture, Art and Games and is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. He has been working in the area of game studies for the past six years and is the author of a number of articles exploring the cultural sociology of digital gameplay, director of the Montreal GameCODE project ( and he sits on the editorial boards of Games and Culture and Game Studies.