« Performing Bilingualism », une conférence de Jerome Fletcher, chercheur/écrivain/performeur (Falmouth University, UK)

Author : Marion Sénat
Date : Sep 09, 2014
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Dans le cadre des activités de recherche du Laboratoire NT2-UQAM, de la revue bleuOrange et du centre Figura.

Jerome Fletcher est chercheur/écrivain/performeur. Il est professeur agrégé en écriture de la performance à l'université Falmouth au Royaume-Uni. Ses recherches portent sur les relations entre le texte numérique et la performativité. Comme écrivain, il a publié sept livres et son travail a été traduit en huit langues. Il a également fait un certain nombre de livres d'artistes et des textes expérimentaux.
Ses œuvres de performance sont collaboratives et multimodales, alliant la voix en direct et le son à la projection et à la génération de texte numérique. Il a performé au Barbican de Londres, au Kunsthalle de Vienne, Kunsthaus de Bregenz, la Leo Koenig Gallery de New York, ainsi qu’à Naples, Moscou, Paris, Barcelone et Prague. Sa dernière œuvre The Fetch a été performée au Centre Pompidou de Paris en septembre 2013.

L'enregistrement est disponible sur le site de l'Observatoire de l'imaginaire contemporain.


Performing Bilingualism,
a conference by Jerome Fletcher at the NT2 Lab, UQAM University.
Monday September 22nd, 6 pm.

Jerome Fletcher is an academic/writer/performer. He is Associate Professor of Performance Writing and the MFA co-ordinator at Falmouth University, UK. His practice-led research focuses on the relationship between digital text and performativity. He has edited a recent issue of Performance Research Journal on digital writing, and the Journal of Writing in Creative Practice on performance writing. His digital textwork, Pentimento was short-listed for the New Media Writing Prize 2012
As a page-based writer he has published seven books – three children’s books with OUP, Scholastic and Corgi, 3 literary concept books with Dedalus and a translation of a French novella. His own work has been translated into eight languages. He has also made a number of artist’s books and experimental texts.
His performance works are collaborative and multimodal, comprising live voice, projection, digital text generation and sound. He has performed at the Barbican London, Kunsthalle Vienna, Kunsthaus Bregenz, Leo Koenig Gallery New York, as well as in Naples, Moscow, Paris, Barcelona and Prague. His latest work, The Fetch, was performed at the Centre Pompidou Paris in September 2013.