The Public Digital Humanities: Open Roundtable

Date : Apr 25, 2012
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Vous êtes cordialement invité à une table-ronde qui aura lieu à l'Université McGill (en anglais) sur les humanités numériques avec, entre autres, Sophie Marcotte, professeure au Département d'études françaises de l'Université Concordia.


What are the opportunities and challenges that exist for the digital humanities to reach a broader public and to confirm the relevance of the humanities in today's society?

Please join us for this round-table discussion with a diverse set of panelists from across North America and Europe.

Susan Brown, Universities of Guelph & Alberta
Laura Mandell, Texas A&M University
Sophie Marcotte, Concordia University
Benoît Habert, École normale supérieure de Lyon
Ray Siemens, University of Victoria
John Unsworth, Brandeis University

The round-table is open to the public and a reception in the atrium of the Law Faculty will follow.