Digital Poets : Conduits in a Post-Modern Context

Author : Anonymous
Date : Oct 27, 2009
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En raison de la reconduite de la grève des professeurs, cette activité est reportée à une date ultérieure.

Conférence présentée par David Jhave Johnston (étudiant de troisième cycle - Figura Concordia) dans le cadre du cycle de midi-conférences Figura/CRILCQ-UQAM.

Entrée libre.


In ancient creative models, poets are conduits; and poetry is a mythological organic continuum that utilizes the poet as an amplifier/conduit for ideas and insights. Contrary to the conscious, self-reflexive, critically-aware, conceptually-infused stance of contemporary art theory, in the ancient model, art-making does not require conscious analytical thought. I will discuss this model of creation in the context of a decade of my creative work in online digital poetry. From Nomad Lingo (1999) to recent HD videopoem experiments, it is my contention that the context of the technology has shifted and transformed the details of creative work-flow while the core concerns and praxis of visual-poetry remain basically unchanged : unravel and express intangible mysterious emotional tangles using the symbolic tools of language, sound and visuals.


David Jhave Johnston is a multimedia-poet currently living in Montreal. He is Web-curator at and independent media-arts practitioner, and has been involved in numerous collaborative and solo digital and in-situ art practises. His work has been exhibited at two new media Biennales : Montreal '03 and Toronto '04. He graduated in the spring of 2004 with distinction from Concordia University with a Bachelor of Computer Science, minor in Digital Image and Sound. In 2005 he graduated from the SFU SIAT MaSc in Interactive Arts program. He is currently a doctoral student at Concordia University in the Topological Media Lab. His current home site is

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