Digital Narrative Brainstorm

Author : Anonymous
Date : Oct 27, 2009
Category :
Comment : 0

Rencontre organisée dans le cadre des activités du "Research Initiative in Technoculture, Art and Games" (TAG), dirigé par Bart Simon, professeur associé au Département de sociologie et d'anthopologie (Université Concordia).
Le vendredi 13 mars 2009, de 12h à 14h, au TAG Space (local EV-11.425) de l'Hexagram-Concordia University (1515, rue Ste-Catherine Ouest).

The TAG initiative is an effort by faculty and
students across several departments at Concordia to consolidate some of
our digital culture and media/computation arts research and design
around the shared object of digital games (game design, gameplay and
game culture). Our goal is provide some institutional structure and
incentive for cross-disciplinary games-oriented thinking, talking,
writing, designing and of course, playing. While the effort is
primarily directed at students and researchers at Concordia and at
other universities in the Montreal area, we are enthusiastic about
having the participation of game designers and other industry folks, 
gamers, artists, entrepreneurs, policy makers, and other educators who
are interested in working with, and thinking further about, digital
games in relation to culture and design.