Illusion Now - une conférence de Philip Rosen (Brown University)

Date : Mar 24, 2011
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ARTHEMIS (Advanced Research Team on History and Epistemology of Moving Image Study), l'Équipe de recherche sur l’histoire et l’épistémologie des
études sur l'Image en mouvement, vous invite à une conférence intitulée «Illusion Now» donnée par Philip Rosen, professeur à Brown University.

Résumé (en anglais)

Notions of illusion have been important in the history of thinking about film. The term has been used on a variety of levels ranging from perception (of movement, of depth in the image) to cultural and ideological critique. Do recent developments, such as the historical proliferation of digital media and the surprising surge of theoretical interest in indexicality, enable us to resituate the question of filmic illusionism? This talk considers the contemporary status of the concept of illusion, in relation to the longer history of film theory as well as recent political-cultural critique.

Biographie (en anglais)

Philip Rosen works in the fields of film theory and history, with special attention to question of culture and ideology, and to historiography and temporality in the contexts of a variety of national cinemas. He has also written on television and on digital media. He is currently working on nationality and globality in film and media, and on conceptions of materialism inthe history of film theory. Among his publications are Change Mummified: Cinema, Historicity, Theory (University of Minnesota Press, 2001); and Benjamin Now: Critical Encounters with the Arcades Project [Co-Editor (with Kevin McLaughlin)], special issue of boundary 2, 30:1(Spring 2003). “Screen and Film Theory in the 1970s,” in Lee Grieveson and Haidee. Wasson, eds., Inventing Film Studies (Duke University Press, 2008.).

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